Evolution Education Fund
Premier Sponsorship – Over $2,000
Sponsorship - $201 to $2,000
Friends of Evolution Education - $25 to $200
Sponsorship - $201 to $2,000
Friends of Evolution Education - $25 to $200
The Evolution Education Fund (EEF) supports evolution education activities organized by and in conjunction with the University of Alabama. EEF supports evolution education broadly construed and across academic and professional disciplines. Funded activities include the ALLELE, series, Darwin Day activities hosted by the Evolutionary Studies (EvoS) minor and Club, Speaking Evolution TV series and teacher resource site, and other evolution education-related programs and opportunities.
EEF monies support costs associated with hosting ALLELE speakers. These include transportation, accommodations, meals, advertising, student meetings, and honoraria. Recent EEF support has enabled the Evolution Working Group to host such esteemed scholars and public figures as Bill Nye the Science Guy, Edward O. Wilson, Frans de Waal, Sean Carroll, Eugenie Scott, Jerry Coyne, Lawrence Krauss, and Kenneth Miller. These events are important for students and the community, and the EEF enables the affiliated committees and programs to offer and expand a history of interdisciplinary and cutting-edge events. For instance, a student at the Bill Nye lecture tweeted, “Today, I had the opportunity to hear Bill Nye give a lecture on evolution and climate change. Although I didn’t agree with everything that he said, I still found him to be very intriguing and I’m amazed at what this man has accomplished, as well as the extreme amounts of knowledge that he has in a variety of different areas. So blessed to go to a university that gives me opportunities like this one!” EEF support is also used to help host events associated with Darwin Day, such as conferences and colloquia. Miscellaneous education activities have included evolution film series, a student-produced evolution newsletter, and costs for EvoS and ALLELE t-shirts and other merchandise for public relations and fundraising purposes. Please contact Kathy Yarbrough or Tom Tobin for more information or to contribute. |
Premier SponsorsSponsors